Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thank Goodness for Grandmothers

They're definitely not the grandmas of yesteryear -- my mother and mother-in-law are both stereotype-defying, very hot chicks -- but without them, I'd be toast. This is what people mean when they say "it takes a village" -- extended family is a big part of that community. Today is our first day with a store that needs to be open at the promised time, and I was going to bring the girls, aka the whirling dervishes, in with me. Hey, it's not like I have a choice! But my mom called and tactfully pointed out the futility of that plan, and is coming over to watch them play at home for a few hours!

Saving my butt again, just like when she flew in to take care of me when I was put on bedrest for SIX weeks (before the internet, people!) while pregnant with my son, and again after my daughter was born and I began hemorraging from over-activity postpartum.

Take a moment to thank your mom today -- you never know when she'll be there for you!

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